Incorporation | Compliance

For India.
From anywhere.

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Trusted by 250+ cross-border businesses from startups to multinational corporations.

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Launch your Indian entity

Incorporate your business in India

We form the entity, you run the business.

We get you incorporated, provide corporate secretary services, a registered address, and everything else you need starting from INR 16,000.

Incorporate now
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Accounting and compliance

Stay compliant without the hassle

Get complete visibility into your compliance and accounting with our CommendaOS platform.

We connect our clients with local expertise in navigating the complex Indian tax and corporate filing environment.

Manage Compliance
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Private Limited Company

Best for small-medium sized companies and privately-held companies seeking limited shareholder liability.


Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Offers partners limited liability protection while allowing flexibility in management, commonly chosen by professionals and service providers.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Expand your business globally while Commenda handles the compliance and taxation.
Try our free demo
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